Andri Adrian / 2310432043
Aulia Noviola / 23310431001
Dewitra Fellisha Putri / 2310432039
Muhammad Zikra / 2310431031
Rakha Noufal Khairan / 2310432003
(Department of Mathematics and Data Science, University of Andalas)
The advancement of science today has had a significant impact, especially in the science and technology. Scientists are competing to create new inventions to advance human civilization and solve daily problems. One of the latest inventions is AI (Artificial Intelligent). AI is run by complex systems that use algorithms as a way of working.
Algorithms were first introduced by Uzbek mathematician Abu Abudullah Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi, also known as the “Father of Algorithms”. In his book translated into English with the title “The Compendios Book On Calculation By Completion And Balancing”, Al-Khawarizmi revealed that algorithms are special methods for solving a problem. In general, an algorithm is an effort made to get a solution to a problem, using a process or procedure consisting of steps arranged systematically. Algorithm is a special method used to solve a problem that comes. (Webster dictionary, 1828). Currently, technological developments have resulted in many advances in the application of algorithms in AI development
Algorithms in AI involve various methods to solve diverse problems. One such method is machine learning, which is the study of algorithms and statistical methods used in computer systems without implementing specific instructions. Machine learning is a part of AI where machines learn from past data by combining it and processing it with appropriate algorithms. Machine learning algorithms are also used to analyze data sets, where the training data in machine learning is called training data. The more the amount of training data in machine learning, the better the output results.
There are several types of machine learning algorithms and their algorithms, which are as follows:
Supervised Learning
It is a machine learning algorithm that is used to predict the possibility that will occur in the future using previous data that has been available, the data used is labeled data, which is data that already has certain information/classifications.
Unsupervised Learning
It is a machine learning algorithm used to identify data based on certain characteristics such as density and data structure, the data used is unlabeled data.
Market segmentation
Grouping on images or videos
Reinforcement Learning
It is an algorithm that studies data by considering the surrounding environment that is influential to achieve a certain goal. It can be applied to specific decision-making processes, such as solving business problems. The essence of reinforcement learning is to make the agent learn from the consequences of its actions, so that over time it can optimize its decisions to achieve the desired results.
Optimizing route selection
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that AI as we know it today is a real form of application of the algorithm discovered by Al-Khwarizmi. AI consists of various types, including various algorithms used to run the system. One of them is machine learning algorithm, an artificial intelligence technology that has been widely applied in the field of industrial technology. In today’s digital era, jobs or activities that were once done manually can now be done easily, quickly, and efficiently thanks to AI.
Bibliography :
Yulikuspartono.2004.Pengantar Logika dan Algoritma.
Rifkie Primartha.2021.Algoritma Machine Learning.***